sobota, 10 maja 2008

Trzecie spotkanie - place zabaw w naszym mieście.

Nasze 3 spotkanie przebiegało od hasłem:
Ciekawa prezentacja tematu: Plac zabaw na moim osiedlu.
Malowanie farbami
olejnymi na płótnie. Określanie temperatury barw, porównywanie.
Dzieci miały możliwość malowania tego co na co dzień sprawia im wiele radości. Dodatkowo dostały zdjęcia placów zabaw i malując mogły spoglądać na ich wygląd.



Our third meeting was carried out under the banner:
Interesting presentation of the topic: Playground in my district. Painting with oil paints on the canvas. Designation the temperature of colour, comparison.
Children had an opportunity to paint things that make them very happy every day. Additionally they were given photos of playgrounds to look at them while painting.

wtorek, 6 maja 2008

Wielka Brytania - SZKOCJA - first activities

Here we are sketching in Keith.
We made our first outing to collect sketches to work on once back at school.
Photo gallery:
1. Looking for a new house at the Estate Agents? Here are some girls sketching outside the estate agents.

2. Close up work. We had to observe very closely to make our best efforts. 

3. The Butchers. Here is one of the three butchers shops in Keith.

4.The Post Office. Here is the post office in Keith.

5. The hairdressers. Here is one of the hairdressers in Keith.

6. Girls at work. Concentrating in the doorway!